Black Menu for the Black Friday in Zodiac

Black Menu for the Black Friday in Zodiac

Mysterious menu - a novelty from the Zodiac restaurant


The thematic menu in the All Black style is designed specifically for those who prefer original and unusual dishes.


Black Menu will be available exclusively in the Zodiac restaurant from November, 16 for just a few weeks. The menu will end on Black Friday  - November, 23: on this day, all guests of the restaurant will receive a 40% discount on all positions of the mysterious menu and cocktails of the “Zodiac” collection.


The Zodiac’s Black Menu features popular crunchy eggplants, complemented by black woody mushrooms, so popular bao with beef and herbs. For Japanese cuisine lovers - black California and black sushi with tuna. For dessert, Japanese Mochi “Wagashi” with prunes and chocolate. It will be difficult to find them and other dishes on the menu - in order to read it, you will have to show ingenuity and creativity. 


The menu, specially designed for Black Friday - an offer for the bravest.


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